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I marched in France on January 11 - What it meant to me World Social Forum in Belem, Brazil
"We carried hundreds of huge pencils thrust toward the sky to invoke the concept that writing and dialogue should replace the use of arms to resolve differences" "the indigenous peoples spoke as an important voice of the forum ... They came in their warpaint; one indigenous woman explained to me that they consider themselves engaged in a fight to save their forest from exploitation and destruction "
Nepal's Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Myth or Reality? The 60th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
"We had very high expectation when Comprehensive Peace Accord was signed in 2006, ever since lobby was started for a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, but many things are being covered up." "A group of Human Rights 'elders' has a sign-up page on the Internet to garner a billion signatures this year for the 60th Anniversary ... I appeal to all CPNN readers to assess their feelings about the UDHR and to consider participating in this endeavor."
Nepal: Freedom of belief should be equally enjoyed for both majority and minority religious groups Eighth-grader crosses California to Conduct Research on Eleanor Roosevelt
"Around forty leaders from Hindu, Christian and Bahai, educators have expressed their concerns about policy and legal provisions regarding religious freedom in Nepal" "I chose Eleanor Roosevelt because of her work in the United Nations and her role as first lady, and how she stood out against segregation and women's rights."
Brazil: Truth Commission details ‘Dirty War’ Atrocities, Calls for Prosecutions The Three Heroines of Guatemala: The Judge, the Attorney General and the Nobel Peace Laureate
"In addition, the commission proposed creating a body to monitor the adoption of its recommendations for addressing past abuses, and to examine and promote measures to end the continued use by security forces of torture and other abusive practices documented in the report." "a historic moment, the first time in history that a former leader of a country was tried for genocide in a national court . . . Guatemala has set an example for the world, away from violence and impunity "
Brasil: Comissão da Verdade Expõe Atrocidades da Ditadura Facing the Past, Moving Towards the Future
"Além disso, a Comissão propôs a criação de um órgão para monitorar a adoção de suas recomendações quanto aos abusos cometidos no passado, bem como para examinar e promover medidas para acabar com a prática atual, pelas forças de segurança, da tortura e de outros abusos documentados no relatório." "This was when I realized that these castles provide a platform for both Europeans and Africans alike to face the horrible past of the slave trade and figure out a way forward for all of humanity. "
A Path to Dignity: The Power of Human Rights Education Nepal: Learning English at the cost of the mother tongues?
"Human rights education can transform people’s lives, empowering individuals on a path to dignity and bring about positive change in their respective communities and societies." "Hopefully, future federal states of Nepal may promote education in their mother tongue, protecting linguistic rights. "
Looking for a leader in the Caribbean to end discrimination against homosexuals Campaign Nonviolence: United States
"To improve the human rights record in Trinidad and Tobago the country needs leadership. Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar can be that leader and could truly make a mark on the country’s history and change the human rights environment for the better." "With these 225 marches, rallies, and public events, thousands of ordinary Americans are speaking out . . . saying that we want a new culture of peace with justice, a new culture of nonviolence."
Campaign Nonviolence: United States Reflection on Non-violent Training Course, Fletcher School June 2011
"With these 225 marches, rallies, and public events, thousands of ordinary Americans are speaking out . . . saying that we want a new culture of peace with justice, a new culture of nonviolence." "The result of injustices and oppression are the same regardless of where conflict exists, in Palestine, Tibet, Colombia, Burma, and these are just a small number of conflict affected countries."
UN rights office praises identification of 114th Argentinian 'Grandson of Plaza de Mayo' Letter from Kivu, Congo
"The courage, perseverance and determination that the grandmothers of missing children in Argentina have shown in the last three decades continue to inspire human rights defenders around the world" "in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (Northern and Southern Kivu), I am in the process of organizing a movement of youth called Youth for Peace, Love and Development "
Amnesty International on the Israel/Gaza conflict: Questions and Answers News from JFDHOP (Democratic Republic of Congo)
"Israeli forces have carried out attacks that have killed hundreds of civilians . . . Israel appears to consider the homes of people associated with Hamas to be legitimate military targets, a stance that does not conform to international humanitarian law." "The actions respond to the new and complex situation in the DRC where the country has established democratically elected institutions at both national and provincial levels"
Amnestía Internacional: Conflicto Israel/Gaza - Preguntas y respuestas A letter from the Palestinian Nonviolence Resistance
"Las fuerzas israelíes han efectuado ataques que han matado a centenares de civiles . . . Israel parece considerar objetivos militares legítimos las casas de las personas relacionadas con Hamás, postura que no se ajusta al derecho internacional humanitario. " "throwing stones did not work and suicide bombs definitely did not work. In this new time period we must use the nonviolence method, but even that seems aggressive to the Israeli occupiers"
Amnesty International: Conflit Israël/Gaza - Questions et réponses Breaking Them Down: Walls that Block People and Walls that Block Words
"Les forces israéliennes ont mené des attaques qui ont tué des centaines de civils . . . Israël semble considérer que les logements de personnes liées au Hamas constituent des cibles militaires légitimes, un point de vue non conforme au droit international humanitaire." "no power can stand up against a mass of people that has crossed the border of despair. That is the lesson of Gaza, January, 2008."
Victory for workers' rights at the United Nations Where Have You Hidden My New Crescent Moon?
"the right of unions to represent UN staff has been restored, bringing to an end the crisis in staff-management relations" " A story that they have to live with all their life — of hoping against hope to find their missing children and often dying without ever finding them."
Colombia ratifies the Domestic Workers Convention Empowering Young People to be Agent of Change
"confirms and reinforces the leading role of Latin American countries in endorsing the Convention, thus ensuring that domestic workers enjoy the same basic labour rights as other workers " "About 60-70 people from more than 40 countries in the world are currently participating in the 2nd European Regional Intergenerational Forum, International Leadership Training Program in Italy. This program is informed by the principle of reciprocal consultation, learning and empowerment of young emerging human rights leaders and cross pollination of ideas and ideals. "
Colombia ratifica el Convenio sobre las trabajadoras y trabajadores domésticos Peaceful March on the International Day of People with Disabilities
"[Nota del Editor. Según la OIT, el convenio ya está en vigor en Bolivia, Paraguay, Nicaragua y Uruguay, así como Italia, Mauricio y las Filipinas. No ha sido ratificado y, por supuesto, no está en vigor, por cualquiera de los países más ricos del mundo.] " "People with disabilities are powerful if united."